Friday, December 21, 2012

Today i created space. It is pretty cool, there is this thing called noise that makes little black specs show up everywhere. It looks sortof like space. I think it would be cooler if the colors were darker. I really like this project because the final product was very cool

today, I made a Facebook card. we took a status from a person and put it on the card with at picture. I chose griffin's status of "I love how high". i took a picture of the movie and put it with the card. this was a fun assignment and i would do it again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Today we created funny street signs. I took some regular signs put heaven and hell on them because one road was going up and one was going down. I also took a pedestrian sign. It looks like one person is stealing   the others purse so I put Stop Purse Theft. the last one is a rail road sign which was just an R and an other R. R n' R means rest and relaxations so i made that my sign. I would do this project again because it was very fun.

Today I made a statue of Luke Skywalker statue our of the Christ the Redeemer. I had to change the brightness/darkness of Luke's head as well as the hue/saturation of his skin color. The color of the statue was very hard to match so it was a challenge. I think that this picture turned out okay and I would do it again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

So today i made an octopus gif. Im not sure if its glitching out or if i didnt fill in the mouth (i filled in the mouth, its glitching) It is originaly a picture drawn by a 8 year old that i made move. its mouth opens and closes as its eye gets bigger. I really liked this project because it was interesting and fun.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A few days ago i made a picture where i am interacting with a cartoon. This is a cartoon boxer, and i am interacting with him by punching him in the face. i even added a little explosion. Its not very good. I couldn't come up with anything else. so here it is....

Today we made compound words. We would take two words that make another word (i.e. sun and dial = sundial) and then create that picture. I did this with handgun, backbone, firearm, and sundial. I actually really liked this assignment. I found that it was very enjoyable and i was able to be creative during it (I'm really not that creative though). The thing i liked most about this assignment was the wide variety we could choose from. there are millions of compound words in the world, and we could have picked any of them.

Today we created a mask. It involved taking a picture, changing its background colors and then drawing over the picture with another color to reveal the colors behind it. I decided to do this with cheese. I don't think i did a very good job, but it was confusing and Im not a very creative person so...that doesn't really mix well. i would probably never do this again.

On the other hand, we had to make a spoof of a movie or TV show. I chose The Sopranos. It is funny because sopranos are a group in a choir (the the altos and the basses). I used the regular Sopranos logo because that is how u get the joke. I like this idea and i would do it again.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Today we started a new project. It is a project grade and our final project. for 12 days until christmas, we have to make 12 diffrent photoshop pictures. Today's task was to make an inaniamte object, i.e. a pumpkin, an animate project. i tried to find and angry or mad face and put it onto a pumpkin. It is like a jackolantern, but without the cutting and the candle. I think that it looks pretty good. I like how i got just the black of the face onto the pumpkin instead of the whole face.