Friday, December 21, 2012

Today i created space. It is pretty cool, there is this thing called noise that makes little black specs show up everywhere. It looks sortof like space. I think it would be cooler if the colors were darker. I really like this project because the final product was very cool

today, I made a Facebook card. we took a status from a person and put it on the card with at picture. I chose griffin's status of "I love how high". i took a picture of the movie and put it with the card. this was a fun assignment and i would do it again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Today we created funny street signs. I took some regular signs put heaven and hell on them because one road was going up and one was going down. I also took a pedestrian sign. It looks like one person is stealing   the others purse so I put Stop Purse Theft. the last one is a rail road sign which was just an R and an other R. R n' R means rest and relaxations so i made that my sign. I would do this project again because it was very fun.

Today I made a statue of Luke Skywalker statue our of the Christ the Redeemer. I had to change the brightness/darkness of Luke's head as well as the hue/saturation of his skin color. The color of the statue was very hard to match so it was a challenge. I think that this picture turned out okay and I would do it again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

So today i made an octopus gif. Im not sure if its glitching out or if i didnt fill in the mouth (i filled in the mouth, its glitching) It is originaly a picture drawn by a 8 year old that i made move. its mouth opens and closes as its eye gets bigger. I really liked this project because it was interesting and fun.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A few days ago i made a picture where i am interacting with a cartoon. This is a cartoon boxer, and i am interacting with him by punching him in the face. i even added a little explosion. Its not very good. I couldn't come up with anything else. so here it is....

Today we made compound words. We would take two words that make another word (i.e. sun and dial = sundial) and then create that picture. I did this with handgun, backbone, firearm, and sundial. I actually really liked this assignment. I found that it was very enjoyable and i was able to be creative during it (I'm really not that creative though). The thing i liked most about this assignment was the wide variety we could choose from. there are millions of compound words in the world, and we could have picked any of them.

Today we created a mask. It involved taking a picture, changing its background colors and then drawing over the picture with another color to reveal the colors behind it. I decided to do this with cheese. I don't think i did a very good job, but it was confusing and Im not a very creative person so...that doesn't really mix well. i would probably never do this again.

On the other hand, we had to make a spoof of a movie or TV show. I chose The Sopranos. It is funny because sopranos are a group in a choir (the the altos and the basses). I used the regular Sopranos logo because that is how u get the joke. I like this idea and i would do it again.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Today we started a new project. It is a project grade and our final project. for 12 days until christmas, we have to make 12 diffrent photoshop pictures. Today's task was to make an inaniamte object, i.e. a pumpkin, an animate project. i tried to find and angry or mad face and put it onto a pumpkin. It is like a jackolantern, but without the cutting and the candle. I think that it looks pretty good. I like how i got just the black of the face onto the pumpkin instead of the whole face.

Friday, November 30, 2012

For a recent project, we had to make a cinemagram. There was an app released recently that let you take a video and edit it so that only a few things are moving. I tried to do this with the frisbee spinning on my finger, and my headphones moving on my shirt. i couldnt really keep a straight face so the second one didnt turn out very well. on the other hand, the first one, i think, is pretty good. i managed to keep my arm mostly still.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Today i made 2D logos. we had to use multiple layers and gradients. The last layer was used to made the 'shine' that you can see. I don't think that they look very much like logos but it was fun to make. i could see myself doing this in the future
Today we made stencils and colored them in, then created symbols out of them. I took a truck stencil and made it Rastafarian.  We then could use many tools to change the layout and look of the symbols. you can see that some of the trucks are a different color scheme from the rest of them. There was a tool to change angles, shapes, color, and size. This was a fun lesson and our last in the AI unit

Friday, November 16, 2012

Today we created 3D logos in illustrator. They were hard, fun, and confusing to make. We had to make many layers with diffrent graidents. these were very much like the 2d logos we made.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Today we used Adobe Illistrator. It was very difficult because we have been using Photoshop

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

This is yet another book cover. every one knows that frogs love lilly pads so why not put them on the front of a book.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

In the media center, we used iPads to draw pictures. The frog here is Toad from 'Frog and Toad'. I had to sketch him on the iPad. Griffin Norris gave me the inspiration to draw him. I made a book cover for him. I took the well known book 'Good Night Moon' and put Toad on the cover with some stars and a bed. I chose this book title because i felt that Toad was gazing up at the starts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

This week we made gift cards to a store.  I made 4 different cards, each with a different theme. The very bottom card even has a pun "Takes notes at the Music Store". Get it? Take notes? Like music notes, and like writing notes. Though I guess you write both so... I also had a never before seen item. Very rare and an origional idea by Kevin Meyer, musical Lego bricks. To make all of these cards, we had to create brushes out of pictures. We just remove the background and then define it as a brush preset, then the brush is there for when ever we want to use it. It was a fairly easy project, but I am not very creative so it was hard for me.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today we made brushes. We took a picture that we liked, took away the background, and made it into a brush. When you have a brush, you can draw with it and make beautiful pictures like you see above (ps, i think my magazine was better).

Over the past 3 days, I have been perfecting my Disney themed magazine cover.  We took our Disney mashup characters from the project before (we combined 2 Disney character i.e. Ariel and Nemo) and put them on the from of a magazine.  I spent a lot of time trying to get the color scheme right. I took some of the Nemo color and put it into the Diving part of the title.  The graident in the background is supposed to be the color of the water as you get deeper into the ocean.  I feel like this is one of the best projects I have made in this class!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Today and yesterday I worked on my latest piece. This is Ariel, from the Disney Mermaids, with a tail/fin/thing using the skin of Nemo from Finding Nemo.  It was one of the more challenging pieces because the Nemo skin was hard to find and the Ariel tail had lots of small details.  I like this piece very much and I would do another like it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

This is a Quagmire head I made out of text. We had a video to watch but all I looked at was the first 10 seconds. It is a fairly simple process of outlining a shape w/ a ink pen tool and then using the text tool to write.  The text follows the pen trail and then it becomes a shape.  For such and easy process, you can make many cool things.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Today we followed another video that Mr. Sands posted on Blackboard.  We had to use many tools on Photoshop to create the text and modify it.  One of the tools we used was the Horizontal Text Tool. It draws text that you can manipulate to make shapes like the Flag and Squeeze text.  I used the Mask Text Tool to take a picture and draw the text on top of the image, to take the picture from behind it.

Friday, October 5, 2012

This is Bruce Willis as a Stewie  from Family Guy.  I had to extend his head out and fill in his ears.  I found a picture of the clothes that Stewie wears on the internet, so I put his head on those.  Just like Stewie, I gave Bruce the outline of his head in black and a few strands of hair.

This is a bald Tina Turner.  I tried to make her look like Chuckie from the Rugrats. I had to screw with her head and make it the shape of Tommy's.  I even drew a little bit of hair on her head to be just like Tommy.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Today we did more blemish removal. I think that I did an ok job but may have been able to do something with the top woman's hair.  The bottom girl is blemish free though!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

This past few weeks, we have been making a video out of over 200 photos.  We put them all together like we did with our .gif image of my tree.

Blemish Girl

Today I touched up a girl with lots of blemishes.  I cleared out the freckles and brightened the eyes.  I also smoothed out here skin and made her face skinnier.  I think that while she is not professional grade, she is ok for a high school kid with no Photoshop experience.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today, I made a gif out of 4 drawings of a tree with arms.  It is so supposed to be walking on flat ground, but it doesnt really look like it.  I think he looks good, despite that.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Gradient Shapes

These are shapes I made today.  They are just different ways of using gradients and shapes.  These are in clock wise order: Planet, Door bell, Speaker box, and Tube.

Gradient Giraffe

This is another play with gradients. I cut out the sky from the background using the magic wand tool, and put a gradient on the background. Once again it was very simple to do.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


This is my new pet. His name is Henry.  He has a beak and squirrel body.
This was a one day project. All I did was take the beak off of a Bald Eagle and put it onto the face of a squirrel.  I tried to blend in the edges, and Griffin thinks it looks real.  You can see the blend at the bottom of the beak and the yellowness of the fur. I think that is the best part.

Banana on Shiny Table

This was a very simple project. All I had to do was duplicate the banana, flip it over horizontally, and use a gradient of white to transparent on the bottom one.  It was simple but came out very good.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Sufferer and the Witness

This is a gayifyed version of the Rise Against album cover, The Sufferer and the Witness.  I thought it would be fun to make.  I did it the same way as I did the Moto-Bow.

I made this today.  I put a color layer on top of a picture that I turned black and white.  Its cool...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Today, I made a Zebra-Cow.  Its not very good, but I couldn't come up with any better options.  I tried to take away the spots on the cow, but it turned into a black mess.  I like the pool better...

Friday, August 31, 2012

Dive Right In

Yesterday and today I have been working on my Dive Right In picture.  There are 4 layers.  A white background,  The picture of me and the truck, the picture of the pool, and a picture of just me on top of that.  I had to do this because I couldn't get the pool to go in between my arms with out it.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Angry Pancake and Frog Tongue

Today I made the Angry pancake.  I got a picture of a fish with an open mouth, and a picture of 2 pancakes.  I used the bloat tool to pull apart the pancakes.  I cut away the fish head, so I just had the mouth left.  I inserted the mouth into the pancake, and blended the edges.

Today, I made the Frog Tongue.  I started with a picture of a mouth and a picture of a frog. I cut away the frog's background and placed it on the tounge. I then recolored the frogs skin with the color stamp tool, and erased the frogs bottom legs.  After that, I blended the connection between the frog and the tounge so you cant tell the diffrence.