Friday, December 21, 2012

Today i created space. It is pretty cool, there is this thing called noise that makes little black specs show up everywhere. It looks sortof like space. I think it would be cooler if the colors were darker. I really like this project because the final product was very cool

today, I made a Facebook card. we took a status from a person and put it on the card with at picture. I chose griffin's status of "I love how high". i took a picture of the movie and put it with the card. this was a fun assignment and i would do it again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Today we created funny street signs. I took some regular signs put heaven and hell on them because one road was going up and one was going down. I also took a pedestrian sign. It looks like one person is stealing   the others purse so I put Stop Purse Theft. the last one is a rail road sign which was just an R and an other R. R n' R means rest and relaxations so i made that my sign. I would do this project again because it was very fun.

Today I made a statue of Luke Skywalker statue our of the Christ the Redeemer. I had to change the brightness/darkness of Luke's head as well as the hue/saturation of his skin color. The color of the statue was very hard to match so it was a challenge. I think that this picture turned out okay and I would do it again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

So today i made an octopus gif. Im not sure if its glitching out or if i didnt fill in the mouth (i filled in the mouth, its glitching) It is originaly a picture drawn by a 8 year old that i made move. its mouth opens and closes as its eye gets bigger. I really liked this project because it was interesting and fun.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A few days ago i made a picture where i am interacting with a cartoon. This is a cartoon boxer, and i am interacting with him by punching him in the face. i even added a little explosion. Its not very good. I couldn't come up with anything else. so here it is....

Today we made compound words. We would take two words that make another word (i.e. sun and dial = sundial) and then create that picture. I did this with handgun, backbone, firearm, and sundial. I actually really liked this assignment. I found that it was very enjoyable and i was able to be creative during it (I'm really not that creative though). The thing i liked most about this assignment was the wide variety we could choose from. there are millions of compound words in the world, and we could have picked any of them.